Reading Through The Bible in 2022

Do you have a Bible reading plan for 2022? If not, I’d love to commend to you the one I’m using. The plan was created by one of my heroes, Robert Murray M’Cheyne, a pastor from Scotland in the 1800s. He had a passion to help his people know God, which is why he was so passionate to know God’s Word.

M’Cheyne’s plan, called Daily Bread, provides a systematic way of reading the Bible at about 4 chapters a day. Over the course of the year, his plan takes you through the Old Testament once, the Psalms twice, and the New Testament twice. You can access the reading plan here.

As you make your way through the Bible, I pray that your experience will be the same as the Psalmists experience when he wrote, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps 119:105).

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