Preorder My Next Book: Fake Christianity: 10 Traps of an Inauthentic Faith (and How to Avoid Them)

Fake Christianity is deceptive and deadly. And, unfortunately, it’s very much alive today. We can easily recognize problems and hypocrisy around us. But it takes humility and courage to face the error and deception within us. Sure there obvious examples of hypocrisy all around us. But as we identify and avoid those sins, we also need to hear Jesus’ call to identify and avoid more subtle forms of hypocrisy, like prayerlessness, neglect of the Bible, gossip, bitterness, and every other form of ungodliness.

In Fake Christianity, I look primarily to Jesus’ final public message before his crucifixion and resurrection (Matt 23), where he addresses a culture remarkably like our own. I do my best to help you see how Jesus exposes ten traps of inauthentic faith and how the gospel enables us to overcome them. As we follow Jesus’ words and walk in his power, we will experience greater joy, peace, hope, love, and purpose.

You can preorder the book HERE.

Redemption City Church Releases New Song: “By the Blood”

Major wars are fought on multiple fronts. The same is true with the spiritual war that every Christian finds themselves in. One of the major fronts of our spiritual war involves music.

That’s why the Apostle Paul commanded the Colossians to “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Col 3:16). Psalm 33 commands its readers to “sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts.” The book of Revelation shows us the singing of gospel-centered songs throughout eternity. These are a few of the verses that drive our efforts to write new gospel-centered songs for the cause of Christ.

We have had a blast gathering songwriters together this past year to write songs that Christ might use to encourage and strengthen our church. This song, “By the Blood,” has been such an encouragement to our church, Redemption City Church, this past year, we thought we’d record it for those beyond our church gathering. I love the chorus:

“Your grace so sweet, washes over me, I’ve been made clean, by the blood of Jesus. Love so free, the price was paid for me, I’ve been made clean, by the blood of Jesus.”

I hope song encourages you like it has encouraged me. You can also find it wherever you listen to music.