Hope For The Hungry: The What, Why, and How of Our Churches Efforts to Grow Food to Feed The Hungry

In March of 2020, as the world was shutting down for COVID, our church, Redemption City Church, started growing food on our church property to give away to meet food shortages in our area. Nearing the end of the third growing season, with a lot of ups and downs along the way, we have grown and given away over 90,000 lbs of food to reduce spiritual and physical hunger amongst every kind of population you can imagine here in Mid-TN. That’s a little over 70,000 people that Redemption City Church, a nine year old church that typically has a little over 400 people on a Sunday, has been able to feed in Jesus’ name.  

No, we didn’t start this ministry because we want to become farmers, we simply wanted to be faithful—faithful to the calling of God on our church to advance his mission in our context with all that He’s entrusted to us. As strange as it sounds, we wanted to follow in the footsteps of heroes of ours like George Mueller, to name one of many, who used mercy ministries, like his orphanage, as a strategy for “showing God” to a world in desperate need of Him.

Of course, our church, wasn’t the first to think of doing something like feeding the hungry. Jesus set the pattern for reducing spiritual and physical hunger in his ministry, most famously as he miraculously fed the multitudes (Matt 14-15). In those narratives, we learn that Jesus spoke to the spiritual hunger of their hearts so powerfully that the crowds were willing to follow him and listen to him for long periods of time without regard to food. Their hearts and minds were starved. Jesus’ message was a feast. Indeed, he is the bread of heaven (Jn 6).

But, more famously, in those narratives Jesus also fed their hungry bellies. What is so often missed in our reading of these miraculous narratives is the fact that Jesus fed the multitudes through his disciples. “You feed them,” Jesus said to his disciples. They knew that Jesus’ command was impossible. After all, the size of the crowd was most likely around 15,000 people! Jesus called his disciples, and all of us since then, to join him in an impossible work that brings him great glory and does great good. And that’s what happened. After commanding the disciples to do the impossible, Jesus used them to do the impossible, since they delivered and collected the food.

While many parts of that moment aren’t repeatable, some, Jesus said, should be. Later, Jesus commands his disciples to feed the hungry and clothe the poor (Matt 25:35-40). His Spirit inspired NT authors like James to command churches to do the same in places like James 2:14-17. Any of the myriad of passages in the NT that talk about “caring for the poor” are passages that assumes that those caring for the poor are thinking about feeding the poor. The fact that food work is such an important part of kingdom work shouldn’t come as too big of a surprise to us, since the kingdom was originally lost because of Adam and Eve’s mishandling of food (Gen 3:1-6). Without question, Jesus and the Apostles led the NT church to reduce spiritual AND physical hunger.

That’s why, when you examine the way Christians throughout church history followed Jesus’ example and teaching, you see that, amongst many practical acts of love and generosity, they fed the hungry spiritually and physically. Jesus didn’t just feed hungry bellies that one day in Galilee, he’s continued to use his disciples to reduce the spiritual and physical hunger around them. Redemption City Church is simply using our land to do the same.

Why Should Your Local Church Consider Launching A Ministry That Feeds The Hungry

While it’s true that not every church needs to grow food and give it away, I believe many more can and should. Here are three quick reasons why your church should consider a “Hope for the Hungry” ministry that grows and gives away food.

First, and most obviously, launching a ministry like this would enable you to follow the biblical teaching and examples mentioned above—helping glorify God and do a lot of good in your area for the cause of Christ. Right now, as I write these words, over 700 million people go to bed hungry each night. That’s a group of people around two times the size of the U.S.A. Many believe that number will rise to over 840 million people by 2030. That’s a lot of hungry children, teenagers, young adults, and elderly. Because of COVID-19, it is estimated that 83 to 132 million more people will be chronically hungry than were projected to be. The war in Ukraine is making things worse. In the state I live, TN, we have around 1 million hungry people, over 250,000 are children.

I don’t know the last time you were hungry, but it usually doesn’t bring out the best in people. When we are hungry we are typically less joyful, patient, loving, focused, or any of the other characteristics that we were meant to be marked by. As a pastor, if my sermon’s go long, I know people won’t be happy with me. They’re hangry! When people fast from a meal, they typically struggle in ways they didn’t expect. Whatever your experience with hunger is, we all know that a lack of food leads to a lack of a lot of other great things in life. 700 million people experiencing these kinds of hunger related problems each day is a big deal.  

Second, launching a ministry like this will increase the number of Christ-centered conversations amongst your church and with the community. Since we began our “Hope for the Hungry” ministry, we have had a massive increase in evangelistic conversations. We have yet to come across a single person, no matter how lost, who hasn’t had a positive posture towards our efforts. It’s helped give our people more courage to talk about Jesus, I think, because of that. We have more unbelievers, also, who work on the farm. Just a couple of months ago, an unbelieving man who a year ago was a skeptic, gave his life to Christ and was baptized. Why was he around? His wife, who was already a Christian, loved the work on the farm and he thought that was cool too. Over the past year he met with several of us and God saved him. Amazing! Finally, the ministry has deepened the relationships amongst our church. Whether talking as beans are getting picked, weeds are getting pulled, or something else, people open up when their hands are getting dirty. One volunteer recently said, “we’re not just growing food out here, huh?” God grows our relationships on his mission.

Third, launching a ministry like this helps the cultural apologetic case for Christianity. On this point, I’m thinking primarily about the next generation. All of our kids will grow up and go into a world that says something along the lines of, “Christians don’t do anything.” A college prof, a politician, a boss, someone will say it, and it will be said over and over. Having a ministry like this, I believe, positions the next generation to “win the moment,” whatever that “moment” might be, by saying, winsomely and humbly I hope, “our church grew food every year and fed the hungry.” That kind of story changes the conversation. How powerful would it be if an army of churches came together and were providing over 1,000,000 lbs of food annually to the hungry in their area? What about 10 million lbs?

Perhaps, with a God empowered “Hope for the Hungry” effort, we might do a better job pushing back the darkness like the early church did. Describing one such instance, Ian Shaw, in his Christianity: The Biography, wrote, “When the fourth-century Roman emperor Julian tried to undermine Christianity, he found it difficult because of its strong system of social care and the high reputation Christians had gained for their generosity—something that paganism could not match. Social concern was an essential part of early Christian practice and closely accompanied the message of Jesus Christ as Savior.” As the culture darkens, practical examples of light like this will help many “find their way home.”

How Does A Local Church Launch A Ministry That Feeds The Hungry?  

Over the past three years we have put in a lot of work, made a lot of mistakes, and learned a lot. There are at least 5 basic things you need to launch a ministry like this.

First, as obvious as this sounds, you need some land to grow the food. How much land? Not that much. We have about 8 plots on 2 acres of the 31 acres we own. It takes a lot of work to keep that amount of land going like it should. In fact, we’ve talked about doing less. So if you have half an acre, go for it. But you have to make sure that your land can grow food. We have had our soil tested and you’ll need to as well.  

Second, you need to figure out your work capacity. How many volunteers do you have? How often can your volunteers work? Who has farming expertise? Do you have money to help pay for some help and for some needed tools? I recommend that you have a paid leader who knows farming and is good with people (important for volunteer retention), identify “champions” who can work part of several days a week (typically these are older folks or people with a significant amount of freedom), create 4-6 church wide work days (typically on days where a lot of work needs to be done, like a harvest day), and figure out what tools can be donated and what need to be purchased (we had to buy a tractor, etc.). The first two years we had a special offering at Christmas that paid for the year’s needs. We have just had teams come from local schools or from out of town so that their students could help on the farm. When done right, this added muscle really makes a difference.

Third, you need to figure out your county and state requirements. My guess is, you’ll need someone who knows agriculture to help walk you through this part. We did. If you don’t know anyone, perhaps a call to the state’s ag department can help. We learned, for instance, that it was important NOT to wash our produce in order to avoid liability. It would have been easy for us to skip this step, do something like washing the vegetables, and then get sued. Make sure you don’t skip this step.  

Fourth, identify the people to whom you will give the food. This step is trickier than most think it will be. In order to do it, I suggest you start by praying for God to show them to you. It’s amazing how many of our current relationships came “out of the blue.” Ask God to help you and be sensitive to his leading. Second, look for ministries like “OneGenAway” in your area who you can take larger amounts of food too. There aren’t a lot of places to whom you can take thousands of pounds of food in a day, but that’s what you’ll have to do a few days a year. Large capacity partners like that help you get food to the folks who need it without it rotting. But, thirdly, God will often provide smaller capacity partners too. We also brought bags of food to church some Sunday’s and encouraged people to take them if they needed them or if they knew someone who would need them. We’ve also had people work the farm “glean” from the farm, which we encourage. Partner with churches. You get the idea.

Fourth, with the help of an expert, figure out what you can plant and when it needs to be planted. This plan, of course, will be location dependent. For those new to farming, this is more important than you think it would be. These experts will also be able to give you tips on how best to take care of what you are growing as well. This framework will also help you plan the best days for church wide work days and events.

Fifth, set expectations. We often say, “farmers are flexible.” You know why? Because sometimes, on the church wide work day, it rains. This year we had a drought that hurt that amount of food we produced. So we let people know that our goal isn’t perfection, it’s faithfulness. Also, some people follow through and help like they say they will and others don’t. It happens. If kids happen to ruin a plant while families are out there working, that’s okay. We care about people more than plants. The Enemy is always looking for a way to discourage. Setting expectations helps limit his effectiveness.

These are five things I think you need to think through in order to launch a “Hope for the Hungry” type of ministry without making some of the mistakes we made. I’m sure I’ll think of other things later (if you do, email me and I’ll add them).

I hope you’ll consider praying for our ministry and that God would launch more ministries like it. The last two years, the recipients of our food were pickier about what kinds of food they wanted. Some wanted more potatoes, some loved tomatoes, some jalapeños, and on and on. This year, as conditions in our world have gotten worse, our partners are just asking for “more.” I bet there will be more and more people like that around all of our churches in the days to come. Perhaps this is the time to launch your “Hope for the Hungry” ministry?

Are You Fragile, Resilient, or Antifragile?

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of Antifragile, argues that there are three kinds of things: fragile, resilient, and antifragile. A failure to rightly understand which category you should put something or someone, can result in unnecessary harm.

Fragile things easily break and cannot heal themselves. China teacups are a great example of fragility. Because of their fragile nature, fragile things need to be handled very gently and carefully.

Resilient or sturdy things can endure shocks. They don’t break, but they don’t improve through tough times. Plastic cups are a great example of this. You can give plastic cups to kids, not glass cups.

Antifragile things not only don’t break through difficult times, they actually improve. The stressors and challenges are a necessary part of growing. Because of this, antifragile things don’t have to be afraid of challenges, they can face them.

Many people, Taleb argues, only think about the first two categories for things. But the third category is important to keep in mind if you want to understand humanity, especially kids. Far from being “candle light” that needs protection from the wind, kids are more like a fire that is energized by the wind. In order to improve, we and they need pressures, challenges, and all the rest.

In a culture of growing “safetyism” and “fragility,” Taleb’s insight is important to keep in mind. With God’s help, we and our kids, not only can face the impossible, but we can grow through them, becoming more like Christ (Rom 8:28-29). Taleb’s book, although not a Christian book, is a fascinating look at realities that many Bible believing Christians are missing today. Let’s turn away from the “safetyism” that surrounds us and our kids, and face our challenges with faith, not fear, because we know that our God is “with us” (Ps. 23; Matt 28:18-20).

4 Reasons Why I Wrote “21 Days to Childlike Prayer: Changing Your World One Specific Prayer at a Time”

Charles Spurgeon was one of the greatest preachers in the history of Christianity. He was known as the “Prince of Preachers.” If you’ve ever read one of his many available sermons from the 1800s, then you can understand why so many are still impressed with his preaching ministry.

But it was prayer that Spurgeon believed gave his gospel-centered ministry such power. That’s why he said, “I would rather teach one man to pray than ten men to preach.” Spurgeon knew how God loved to work through prayer to show his power and presence. Spurgeon also knew of the tendencies of Christians, even pastors and leaders, to overlook it. Christians prize eloquence, insight, and activity.

It took many years and challenging seasons for me to finally share Spurgeon’s love for prayer. Since that difficult time, few things have brought me greater joy than praying and helping others learn to pray. These joys led, eventually, to the writing of 21 Days to Childlike Prayer. While I love and am thankful for other great books on prayer, I wrote my book for the following four reasons.

To provide a book on prayer that’s accessible even for new Christians – One of my favorite parts of being a pastor is helping people who have never prayed, learn to pray. Accessibility marked Jesus’ ministry, the Apostles’, Spurgeon’s, and, hopefully, this book. When Jesus taught his disciples about prayer, he pointed them to the relationship between a Father and a child. He didn’t say that they needed to become more spiritually sophisticated to have the prayer life he wanted them to have. They just needed to become more childlike. That’s what this book is all about. And that’s why the chapters are short and written in an accessible manner. I am passionate about helping as many people as possible learn how prayer helps them experience the power and presence of God in their problems and plans.

To provide a book on prayer that challenges seasoned pastors and ministry leaders – As a ministry leader and pastor, I didn’t have much of a prayer life. Many pastors and leaders I’ve known have struggled in similar ways. It’s easy to move through years of ministry without prioritizing prayer. Through a difficult season, I found the prayer life I’d looked for my whole life. I want to help leaders learn the things I learned without going through what I went through. Jesus doesn’t want his church being led by prayerless men and women. While I wrote the book in an accessible way, I believe it is substantive enough to challenge any pastor and ministry leader. I get so excited thinking about more and more pastors and leaders praying their problems and plans with specificity and childlike trust.

To provide a book on prayer that groups of people can read together – Jesus designed prayer to take place personally and in groups. We know that because he starts his teaching on prayer with the plural, “Our” Father. 21 Days to Childlike Prayer includes reflection questions and exercises at the end of each chapter that would serve a group discussion. Some books on prayer call for churches, families, and other groups to pray together. This book is designed to help make those biblical calls a reality. I’m thankful that Harvest House, the publisher of the book, shares this desire. They are offering bulk pricing to help foster group praying (50% off and free shipping for purchases of 15 or more books – email Kathy.Zemper@harvesthousepublishers.com). I hope this book can help unite groups of people’s hearts with God and each other, providing a unique, shared experience that they can walk through together.

To provide a book on prayer that will help Christians bring more glory to God – When people believe in a God capable enough, loving enough, and wise enough, that they push pause on their lives to simply pray, God is glorified. Our prayerful actions communicate that we believe in a powerful, awesome God. When we don’t pray, we communicate the opposite. We communicate that God is irrelevant since he is unable to help us with our problems and plans. When we bring specific requests to God, he is glorified as a God who can really make a difference, in specific ways. When we walk away from our prayer times with him without the burdens we brought into it, God is glorified as a God who really can be trusted. I want God to get the glory that he deserves and uniquely gets from childlike prayer. I’m praying this book increases the glory that God uniquely gets from a praying people.

Today, on the launch of 21 Days to Childlike Prayer, I’m praying that that God would use this book to help his children make prayer a daily, life-giving, burden-relieving, joy-producing reality. I’d love for you to buy a copy. And I’d greatly appreciate it if you would pray at least one prayer on behalf of the book. Ask God to answer at least one specific prayer of each person who reads 21 Days to Childlike Prayer, during their 21 day journey. The book is 21 Days to Childlike Prayer: Changing Your World One Specific Prayer at a Time. Grab a copy here today.

Planting Roots Vision Video

What is the Planting Roots Initiative? 

Planting Roots is an initiative to raise money, above and beyond normal giving, to build a church building at our 4095 Clovercroft Rd. property–helping us make disciples, train leaders, and feed the hungry more effectively.  

Our goal is to build an 11,800 sq ft facility that will expand our ability to make disciples, train leaders, and feed the hungry. It will include a larger worship space, lobby, kid space, and bathrooms. It will have a few offices, a kitchenette, an equipping room, and, as is the current practice, it will be able to be used for student ministry on Wednesday nights. Also, the building will include the necessary infrastructure (parking, sewer, landscaping, etc.). The building will be built as Phase 1 of a multi-phase building plan, that will allow the church to be positioned to build efficiently in the future, as the Lord continues to grow Redemption City Church. 

Why are we doing it? 

Redemption City Church exists to be a present preview of and pathway to the future Redemption City (Rev. 21-22)–a city where all of life is centered around the Redeemer. That’s why we are on a mission to make disciples, train leaders, and feed the hungry. Planting Roots is an initiative to help Redemption City Church, who has rented facilities over the past 8 years, build a building that will enable us to be a preview of Redemption City in the decades to come on property we own. 

How can you help?

1. Pray – Because we believe and have seen God do more in a moment than we can do in a lifetime, we pray. Join us in asking God to lead us, grow us, and provide financially for us. Pray that God moves in the hearts of people in a way that leads them to live at a level of generosity that can only be explained by God’s gracious work in their lives. 

2. Participate Every Week in the Planting Roots Sermon Series – Every week is an important week at Redemption City, and this is especially true this sermon series. We have been prayerfully planning for this series for quite some time. Prioritize Sunday morning attendance so that we can make the most of this journey together. 

3. Commit to Give a 3 Year, Above-and-Beyond Financial Gift and Give Part of It February 27, 2022 – We want everyone who calls Redemption City Church their home to invest in the vision of planting roots by giving a sacrificial 36 month financial commitment above and beyond their regular tithes and offerings, and to give part of that on Commitment Sunday on February 27, 2022. 

4. Invite Others To Join the Effort – We are praying for God to use people in our spheres of influence to partner with us prayerfully and financially in our Planting Roots Initiative. Would you help us spread the word throughout your relational world online and in person about this kingdom advancing opportunity to help build a building for a church that makes disciples, trains leaders, and feeds the hungry?  

Towards Healthier Disagreements: 4 Practices to Avoid

When the biblical idea of “unity and diversity” becomes a reality amongst Christians, most figure out that it is a lot messier than it sounds. There’s enough sin present amongst believers to make unity impossible, apart from a massive influx of heart-transforming grace. 

One of the temptations in the midst of the friction is either to be, as Ken Sande so helpfully pointed out, a “peacefaker” or a “peacebreaker.” Peacefakers ignore problems that should be dealt with. Peacebreakers create problems. Jesus, of course, calls us to be “peacemakers.” Peacemakers face and fix problems with the grace of God for the glory of God. 

As we all attempt to be the peacemakers that Jesus intends for us to be, I thought it might be helpful to offer a few practices that we should avoid. 

Demonizing – It’s okay, in a world where we “see through a glass dimly,” to disagree. We should expect it. One of the temptations we need to avoid is the temptation to demonize those we disagree with. Demonizing is not just questioning their perspective; it’s questioning their motives. They have bad motives instead of the pure motives we have. C’mon. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. You love receiving the benefit of the doubt, and so do others. 

Narrativizing – Narrativizing is putting people in a “narrative” or “group” because they said something that has been said by that “narrative” or “group.” Just because someone says something that has been said by a movement you don’t like doesn’t mean that they are a part of that movement. If you don’t want to be put in a movement you dislike, then do your best to avoid doing that to others. It’s intellectually lazy and dishonest.

Propagandizing – Propagandizing often happens when we exaggerate to advance a particular perspective. Exaggerating is a form of lying. Don’t exaggerate others’ perceived misdeeds or your own perceived successes. Nobody likes to have serious conversations with people who misuse the truth in this way. This is especially tempting when the person does not share your perspective.

Catastrophizing – We live in a world that acts like every little problem is the end of the world. Peter messed up more than once. The mission can still move forward even when leaders mess up doctrine or practice. It doesn’t mean it isn’t important; it means that it isn’t ultimate. Respond appropriately.

The answer for biblical unity isn’t less disagreement; it’s healthier disagreement. If we are going to be peacemakers, we need to avoid these four problematic practices. 

The God-Glorifying Grit of Lottie Moon

Lottie Moon bravely and faithfully served as a Southern Baptist Missionary to China in the early 1900s. As news of her death made it back to the U.S., summary descriptions of the way she ministered in China were produced. I love this one from the Foreign Mission Journal from the International Mission Board. It read,

“She labored on bravely whether alone or surrounded by her coworkers.”

I thank God for Lottie Moon and her God-glorifying grit. May God help us all advance Christ’s mission in a similar manner in our day.

Reading Through The Bible in 2022

Do you have a Bible reading plan for 2022? If not, I’d love to commend to you the one I’m using. The plan was created by one of my heroes, Robert Murray M’Cheyne, a pastor from Scotland in the 1800s. He had a passion to help his people know God, which is why he was so passionate to know God’s Word.

M’Cheyne’s plan, called Daily Bread, provides a systematic way of reading the Bible at about 4 chapters a day. Over the course of the year, his plan takes you through the Old Testament once, the Psalms twice, and the New Testament twice. You can access the reading plan here.

As you make your way through the Bible, I pray that your experience will be the same as the Psalmists experience when he wrote, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps 119:105).

Answers to Specific Prayers: God Miraculously Changes The Heart Of The Owner Of The Building That Redemption City Church Meets In

I couldn’t believe what I heard. The owner of the building that our church, Redemption City Church, was leasing, said that he wanted to sell the building he was leasing to us. Not only that, our conversation happened to be just a few days before I was going away with my family for a month long sabbatical, that was gifted to us by our church. I was supposed to “totally disengage,” but it was going to be hard to do that with the possibility of a move on the horizon.

Having been given an 8 day notice and a 23 day notice from previous location owners, I’d learned to handle these with some level of faith and prayer. I prayed my problems with specificity and trusted God to do what’s best with my request, as I wrote in, 21 Days to Childlike Prayer. But I sure wish I didn’t get that phone call.

Thankfully, the owner said he wasn’t in a rush. He promised that he wouldn’t kick us out. We planned to talk when I got back in town a month later.

Fast forward a month. When I returned from the trip, I had a couple of scenarios that I was going to pitch to him. I felt pretty good about both of them. Neither were accepted.

The owner told me that he was talking to a potential buyer, but that they wanted to work with us. Although it was kind of him to think of us in this way, and it really was, we explored contingencies. We got really close on a place, but it strangely fell through.

We kept doing our best to be a “preview of the future Redemption City” at Redemption City Church, and kept praying about our location situation.

I’ll never forget where I was when I got the phone call from the owner. I can see it all playing out in my head as I write this post. I didn’t answer the call. I didn’t think it would be wise to talk to him in a place of fear. So I started praying throughout the day, that God might allow us to stay in our place.

With fear and trepidation, I called the owner. He wanted to give the church the 2 year lease I asked him for back in August! He had never given a 2 year lease in all his years of renting the building to churches. Amazing!

Not only that, but the week I received this great news, I happened to be preaching on “Persistent Prayer” from the Sermon on the Mount! You better believe all of this story made its way into the sermon and was met with applause.

Specificity leads to visibility. By getting specific, the invisible God became visible, he became unmistakably present (of course he is always present, but our awareness of his presence isn’t always great).

What specific prayers do you need to start praying? What specific prayers do you need to be encouraged to continue to start praying?

Endorsements For “21 Days To Childlike Prayer: Changing Your World One Specific Prayer At A Time”

I’m deeply grateful for each of the endorsers and endorsements below for my forthcoming book, 21 Days To Childlike Prayer. Each of these men and women have been used by God in my life in some unique way. My book comes out January 18, 2022. You can pre-order it here (or anywhere you buy your books). I’m praying that the effort these men and women put into reading and endorsing the book would result in more and more people seeing specific answers to prayer in their daily lives.

“With so many books on prayer, a new one needs a fresh perspective on the subject to distinguish itself from others. Jed succeeds by helping us see prayer as a child talking to his or her heavenly Father in simple, childlike ways. And like any good book on prayer, 21 Days to Childlike Prayer makes you want to pray.” 

Donald S. Whitney, author of Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life and Praying the Bible

“I’m at an advantage as I read 21 Days to Childlike Prayer; I’ve watched the author, year after year, put every word into action. This book is an accessible, simple tool to help transform your prayer life and your heart. You will grow in your prayer life, and you will also grow in your faith, love, and trust of your heavenly Father, who bids you come to Him as His child.”

Trillia Newbell, author of Sacred Endurance, Fear and Faith, and Creative God, Colorful Us

“This is not a book telling you how badly you should feel for how little you pray. It’s also not a book telling you how to become an expert in prayer. To the contrary, Jed shows us practically how we can overcome our hesitancies and approach our Father not as fearful applicants but as beloved children.”

Russell MooreChristianity Today 

“I rarely see a pastor passionate about prayer. But that’s what you get in Jed. He is on the front lines of life and has learned how to weave prayer into the fabric of his life. What makes this book so helpful is he gives specific and concrete steps for putting into practice the deep structures of a praying life. This book will get you moving closer to your heavenly Father!”

Paul E. Miller, author of A Praying Life

“This book is simple, practical, and most of all, doable! If you want to learn how to pray to a gracious and loving heavenly Father, this can help you get started.”

Daniel L. Akin, president, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC

“I had the privilege of calling Jed my pastor when we lived in Tennessee. His sermons were special and every Sunday, my husband or I would say, ‘That is a man who prays.’ You could see it in his preaching, in his family, and in the way he lives. 21 Days to Childlike Prayer is excellent—clear, humble, and helpful, from a man who preaches what he practices.”

Scarlet Hiltibidal, AfraidOfAllTheThings.com

“This is a poignant, purposeful, and practical book on approaching prayer with a childlike perspective. Prayer is often the most neglected discipline, and this is a refreshing reminder to embrace God with our B-E-S-T. If you need a boost to your prayer life, this book is a helpful guide that will prompt you to come to our ‘heavenly Dad’ with expectancy and anticipation!”

Matt Carter, lead pastor, Sagemont Church, Houston, TX

“There are books on prayer that teach you to pray, but there are very few that compel you to pray; this work accomplishes both. With relevant illustrations, substantive and practical instruction, and a call to devotion in prayer, one leaves from this book with more than a short stint of 21 days of prayer; they are entered into a lifetime of prayer. It is one of the most encouraging books on prayer that I’ve read.”

Lemanuel R. Williams, deputy director, Peacemakers

“Most of us struggle with prayer. One reason is that we overcomplicate it. In this book, Jed demystifies prayer and gives us a road map to regular, fruitful, childlike, God-glorifying prayer. If you want to grow in your prayer life, buy this book, and for the next 21 days, commit yourself to the daily readings and exercises. Doing this won’t make you perfect in prayer, but it will make prayer more permanent in your life.”

Juan R. Sanchez, senior pastor, High Pointe Baptist Church, Austin, TX

“As a pastor and seminary professor, I’ve had many occasions to lead in prayer, but Jed, my pastor, led me to fresh and stronger application of what I knew. He pressed us to identify, with childlike faith, very particular and improbable items for which we might ask God’s provision. I took up the challenge, and, out of the blue, the Lord said yes through a totally unforeseen opportunity. The timing and specificity showed His hand clearly. God could have said no, and that would have been fine, but at least I would have known it was not for want of asking that the door remained closed.” 

Mark Coppenger, retired professor of Christian philosophy and ethics, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY

“The specific answers to prayers my family prayed when I was a child are now a legacy of God’s faithfulness that I pass on to my own children, yet I sometimes struggle with what Jed calls ‘vague prayer syndrome.’ This book has challenged me to come to my Father with specificity like a child. Both biblically faithful and wonderfully practical, I believe it is perfect for anyone who wants to grow in prayerfulness but doesn’t know how to start.” 

Catherine Parks, author of Empowered: How God Shaped 11 Women’s Lives

How Do Christians Come Up With Extra Money For Fundraising Efforts Like The “Planting Roots Initiative”?

At Redemption City Church, the church I pastor, we just launched the “Planting Roots Initiative,” which is an initiative to increase people’s love for Jesus as we build infrastructure and a building on our church property that will help us make disciples, train leaders, and feed the hungry. We’re so excited about what we believe God will do during and through this initiative.

But it’s the first time many of our people have gone through something like this, including me! One of the questions I’ve heard from many “first timers” is how do Christians come up with the extra money for something like this? It’s a great question. That’s why I thought I’d offer the following ideas to help people discover the way God is leading them to participate in it.

Ask God to show you what he’d like you to give – God is the giver of all good things, including our money and possessions. In His providence, he thought it was best to place you in the situation that you are in right now, the one that needs extra finances to advance his kingdom purposes. Starting asking him daily what he wants you (or your family) to give to this strategic kingdom cause. We pray because we know that we need his help and that he is willing and able to help. He can make more money appear out of nowhere, new opportunities, and the like. However you financially participate in the initiative, it’s important that your prayer life grows through it.

Think about what you could give from what you have and what you could get – When you talk to people who have been through capital initiatives for the cause of Christ like this one, you hear a lot of different stories, but all of those stories end up in one of two categories. Either people gave from what they already had in savings, securities, etc., or they gave after getting extra money from selling things, stopping certain kinds of spending (eating out less, etc.), or working harder to make more money that could be used for this specific cause.

Create at least 2-3 giving scenarios – Write down 2-3 financial gift totals that you think you might give to the Planting Roots Initiative. Many people give 1-2 times above and beyond their normal annual giving. So, if they usually give $10,000 over the course of a year, then they figure out how much they would have to give extra each month over the course of 3 years in order to get to that number (around $300). Then, they either give a part of that as a one time gift or they find the one time gift elsewhere. Usually, somewhere along the way, a person starts comparing what they spend on other things like eating out, coffee, etc., to see if they could get it higher. If it’s a married couple, usually they end up in different places initially, which is why it’s good to have 2-3 scenarios. Then, they can start to talk through it to find their commitment level. As you have these conversations, don’t focus most on your potential loss of income, but mostly on the kingdom gain that Jesus will generously bless.

Make a financial commitment in faith – Jesus grows us most outside of our comfort zones. Outside of our comfort zones we exercise our faith in Jesus to be who he says he is in our lives. Consider your budget and all the factors you need to consider, but make a decision from a place of faith. Trust God to provide for you like he has provided for you. Feel the freedom to land where you genuinely believe he wants you to land to help RCC take this significant kingdom step, whether it is less or more than you’d like. And let us know by taking the “pledge survey” on Oct. 24 at the “Vision Sunday at the Farm” so that we can set our budget before we meet with builders in November. Then follow through on that pledge on Pledge Sunday on Feb. 20, 2022!

These are a few steps that I think will help anyone get started who has never thought through making an “above and beyond normal giving” financial commitment. I’m so excited to see what Jesus does in all of our hearts as we follow his lead to Plant Roots so that we can bear God-glorifying fruit.