Preorder My Next Book: Fake Christianity: 10 Traps of an Inauthentic Faith (and How to Avoid Them)

Fake Christianity is deceptive and deadly. And, unfortunately, it’s very much alive today. We can easily recognize problems and hypocrisy around us. But it takes humility and courage to face the error and deception within us. Sure there obvious examples of hypocrisy all around us. But as we identify and avoid those sins, we also need to hear Jesus’ call to identify and avoid more subtle forms of hypocrisy, like prayerlessness, neglect of the Bible, gossip, bitterness, and every other form of ungodliness.

In Fake Christianity, I look primarily to Jesus’ final public message before his crucifixion and resurrection (Matt 23), where he addresses a culture remarkably like our own. I do my best to help you see how Jesus exposes ten traps of inauthentic faith and how the gospel enables us to overcome them. As we follow Jesus’ words and walk in his power, we will experience greater joy, peace, hope, love, and purpose.

You can preorder the book HERE.

Paul Tripp’s Meditation on How “God’s in Control of Your Story”

upon situation
upon situation,
the ever-changing cycle
of your story,
has been authored by Another,
one of infinite power
unparalleled wisdom
unending grace,
who has every epic
every turn of the plot
every surprising mystery
every unnoticed moment
written into his book.

The Author is never surprised
never taken off guard
never confused by new developments
never feeling unprepared
never just making it through
never looking for a way out.

upon situation
upon situation,
the ever-changing cycle
of your story,
authored by Another,
the changing saga written
by the One who never changes.

Let go of knowing the future.
Let go of having your own way.
Let go of self-sovereignty.
Let go of the anxiety of not knowing.
Let go of craving more power.
Let go of ranting against mystery.

Settle into what you’ve been designed to be.
Celebrate being included in the gospel plot.
Be thankful you’re not in control.
Remember God’s way is better.
Know that you’re in good hands.

Things out of your control
are not out of control.
There is an Author,
he is not you
his will will be done.

Your story,
that ever-changing cycle
situation upon situation
surprise after surprise
mystery chasing mystery
year piling upon year
has a final chapter,
penned before time began
written on the pages of eternity
and it will be glorious.