Preorder My Next Book: Fake Christianity: 10 Traps of an Inauthentic Faith (and How to Avoid Them)

Fake Christianity is deceptive and deadly. And, unfortunately, it’s very much alive today. We can easily recognize problems and hypocrisy around us. But it takes humility and courage to face the error and deception within us. Sure there obvious examples of hypocrisy all around us. But as we identify and avoid those sins, we also need to hear Jesus’ call to identify and avoid more subtle forms of hypocrisy, like prayerlessness, neglect of the Bible, gossip, bitterness, and every other form of ungodliness.
In Fake Christianity, I look primarily to Jesus’ final public message before his crucifixion and resurrection (Matt 23), where he addresses a culture remarkably like our own. I do my best to help you see how Jesus exposes ten traps of inauthentic faith and how the gospel enables us to overcome them. As we follow Jesus’ words and walk in his power, we will experience greater joy, peace, hope, love, and purpose.
You can preorder the book HERE.
Francois Fenelon on God’s Purposes During Prolonged Trials
“God orders a series of events that detach us gradually from the world first, and finally from the self also. The operation is painful, but our corruption makes it needful. If the flesh were healthy, the surgeon would not need to probe it. He uses the knife only in proportion to the depth of the wound and the extent of the proud flesh. If we feel his operation too keenly, it is because the disease is active. Is it cruelty that makes the surgeon probe us to the quick? No, far otherwise-it is skill and kindness; he would do the same with his only child. . . . He must tear from us what we love wrongly, unreasonably, or excessively, the thing that hinders his love. In so doing, he causes us to cry out like a child from whom one takes away a knife with which it could injure or kill itself. . . . God afflicts us only for our correction. Even when he seems to overwhelm us, it is for our own good, to spare us the greater evil we would do to ourselves. The things for which we weep could have caused us eternal distress. That which we count as loss was then indeed most lost when we fancied that it belonged to us. . . . God deprives us of the things we prize only because he wants to teach us to love them purely, truly, and properly in order to enjoy them forever in his presence, and because he wants to do a hundred times better for us than we can even desire for ourselves.”
In The Complete Fenelon (15-16).
Arthur Brooks on Seeing Gratitude like Exercise
In Arthur Brooks’ book, Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life, he provides a way of thinking about gratitude that I thought was incredibly helpful. The short, simple, profound, thought is:
“Gratitude is very similar to exercise. We all know it’s good to be grateful and show it–just as we all know it’s good to go to the gym and work out. But just as fitness demands that we make a routine and overcome a natural desire to do nothing, so also we need to make a habit of being grateful, even if we don’t feel it. And not just on one Thursday–all year round.”
Paul Tripp’s Meditation on How “God’s in Control of Your Story”
upon situation
upon situation,
the ever-changing cycle
of your story,
has been authored by Another,
one of infinite power
unparalleled wisdom
unending grace,
who has every epic
every turn of the plot
every surprising mystery
every unnoticed moment
written into his book.
The Author is never surprised
never taken off guard
never confused by new developments
never feeling unprepared
never just making it through
never looking for a way out.
upon situation
upon situation,
the ever-changing cycle
of your story,
authored by Another,
the changing saga written
by the One who never changes.
Let go of knowing the future.
Let go of having your own way.
Let go of self-sovereignty.
Let go of the anxiety of not knowing.
Let go of craving more power.
Let go of ranting against mystery.
Settle into what you’ve been designed to be.
Celebrate being included in the gospel plot.
Be thankful you’re not in control.
Remember God’s way is better.
Know that you’re in good hands.
Things out of your control
are not out of control.
There is an Author,
he is not you
his will will be done.
Your story,
that ever-changing cycle
situation upon situation
surprise after surprise
mystery chasing mystery
year piling upon year
has a final chapter,
penned before time began
written on the pages of eternity
and it will be glorious.
The 3 Ways Jonathan Edwards Believes Trials Benefit Believers
In 1746, Jonathan Edwards wrote A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections. He wrote it in the midst of the First Great Awakening, attempting to explain the nature of true Christian conversion.
At the beginning of the book, Edwards provides three benefits that trials bring to “true religion.” They are below:
- Trials help distinguish between true and false religion – Edwards writes, “Trials, above all other things, have a tendency to distinguish true religion and false, and to cause the difference between them evidently to appear.”
- Trials reveal the beauty of true religion – Edward writes, “trials not only manifest the truth of true religion, but they make its genuine beauty and amiableness remarkably appear.”
- Trials purify and increase true religion – Edwards writes, “another benefit of such trials to true religion, is that they purify and increase it. They not only manifest it to be true, but also tend to refine it, and deliver it from those mixtures of what is false, which encumber and impede it; that nothing may be left but that which is true.”
7 Books Recommended by Glen Scrivener About the Historical and Conceptual Roots of Popular Cultural Concepts
In The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality, Glen Scrivener contends that concepts like equality, compassion, consent, enlightenment, science, freedom, and progress aren’t self-evident. Instead, they are the fruit of Christianity.
I’ve just started making my way through this fascinating, engaging, and biblical book. But early on, Scrivener provides a list of books that have helped shape his own thinking. I thought I’d provide his list for those interested in adding thoughtful books to their reading list.
On equality: Inventing the Individual by Larry Siedentop
On compassion: Destroyer of the gods by Larry Hurtado
On consent: From Shame to Sin by Kyle Harper
On enlightenment: The Light Ages by Seb Falk
On science: The Warfare between Science and Religion: The Idea That Wouldn’t Die, edited by Jeff Hardin
On freedom: In the Image of God by David Brion Davis
On progress: Protestants by Alec Ryrie
The 3 Angles Eugene Peterson Believes Should Shape Pastoral Ministry
Eugene Peterson is concerned about the state of pastoral ministry. In Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity, Peterson warns his readers about pastors who “are abandoning their posts, their calling. . . . What they do with their time under the guise of pastoral ministry hasn’t the remotest connection with what the church’s pastors have done for most of twenty centuries.” Are there important organizational considerations that need to be attended to in every church? Sure. But that isn’t the main thing Peterson believes pastors should be marked by.
What should a pastor’s dominant concern be? Prayer, scripture, and spiritual direction. Using a metaphor from trigonometry, Peterson argues that these three emphases are the angles pastors should devote themselves primarily too. “I see these three essential acts of ministry as the angles of a triangle. Most of what we see in a triangle is lines. The lines come in various proportions and the shape of the whole are the angles. The visible lines of pastoral work are preaching, teaching, and administration. The small angles of this ministry are prayer, Scripture, and spiritual direction. The length and proportions of the ministry lines are variable, fitting numerous circumstances and accommodating a wide range of pastoral gifts.”
Why does Peterson believe these things “angles” are so important? Because, he argues, “Pastoral work disconnected from the angle actions is no longer given its shape by God. Working the angles is what gives shape and integrity to the daily work of pastors and priests. If we get the angles right it is a simple matter to draw in the lines. But if we are careless with or dismiss the angles, no matter how long or straight we draw the lines we will not have a triangle, a pastoral ministry.”
Richard Lovelace’s Understanding of the Pre-Conditions, Primary Elements, and Secondary Elements of Spiritual Renewal
Richard Lovelace’s Dynamics of Spiritual Life: An Evangelical Theology of Renewal explores “the nature of revival and what it means for the church.” Lovelace takes his readers through the Jesus Movement, Jonathan Edwards, and a wide range of historical figures and movements. It’s a fascinating read.
At the heart of his book, Lovelace provides the pre-conditions, primary elements, and secondary elements of renewal. I thought I’d provide the outline for those below:
Pre-Conditions of Renewal
- Holiness of God
- Sinfulness of humanity
Primary Elements of Renewal
- Justification
- Sanctification
- Spirit Indwelling
- Authority in Spiritual conduct
Secondary Elements of Renewal
- Mission
- Prayer
- Community
- Disenculturation
- Theological Integration
Matt Smethurst’s Top 50 Tim Keller Quotes
Yesterday, Tim Keller went to be with the Lord. It’s hard to overstate the impact Keller has had on Christians over the past couple of decades. He’s certainly been used by God in my life.
Matt Smethurst posted 50 of his favorite Keller quotes. I was encouraged by them. Perhaps God will use them to encourage you as well.
“All death can now do to Christians is to make their lives infinitely better.”
“The central basis of Christian assurance is not how much our hearts are set on God, but how unshakably his heart is set on us.”
“If Jesus rose from the dead, then you have to accept all that he said. If he didn’t, then why worry about any of what he said? The issue on which everything hangs is not whether you like his teaching, but whether he rose from the dead.”
“Describe the God you’ve rejected. Describe the God you don’t believe in. Maybe I don’t believe that God either.”
“Contemporary people tend to examine the Bible, looking for things they can’t accept; but Christians should reverse that, allowing the Bible to examine us, looking for things God can’t accept.”
“Satan doesn’t control us with fang marks on the flesh but with lies in the heart. . . . Our best defense in the fight against [his] lies is not the production of incantations but the rehearsal of truth.”
“The gospel is that I am so sinful that Jesus had to die for me, yet so loved and valued that Jesus was glad to die for me. This leads to deep humility and deep confidence at the same time. I can’t feel superior to anyone, and yet I have nothing to prove to anyone.”
“The doctrine of sin means believers are never as good as our true worldview should make us. And the doctrine of common grace means unbelievers are never as flawed as their false worldview should make them.”
“Only if your god can outrage and challenge you will you know that you worship the real God and not a figment of your imagination. . . . If your god never disagrees with you, you might just be worshiping an idealized version of yourself.”
“The glory of God is available to you in the church in a way it’s not available to you anywhere else. . . . There is no more important means of discipleship than deep involvement in the life of the church.”
“You don’t fall into love. You commit to it. Love says, ‘I will be there no matter what.’”
“To say ‘I know God forgives me, but I can’t forgive myself’ means you’ve failed an idol whose approval is more important than God’s.”
“If you make work your identity and you succeed, it’ll go to your head. If you fail, it’ll go to your heart.”
“To be loved but not known is superficial. To be known but not loved is our nightmare. Only Jesus knows us to the bottom and loves us to the sky.”
“The only person who dares wake up a king at 3:00 a.m. for a glass of water is a child. We have that kind of access.”
“Tolerance isn’t about not having beliefs. It’s about how your beliefs lead you to treat people who disagree with you.”
“Traditional religion says, ‘I give God a good moral record, so he has to bless me.’ The gospel says, ‘God gives me a good moral record through Christ, so I want to bless him.’ . . . Religion says, ‘If I obey, then God will love and accept me.’ The gospel says, ‘God loves and accepts me, therefore I want to obey.’”
“The gospel says you are simultaneously more sinful and flawed than you ever dared believe, yet more loved and accepted than you ever dared hope.”
“If you’re falling off a cliff, strong faith in a weak branch is fatally inferior to weak faith in a strong branch. Salvation is not finally based on the strength of your faith, but on the object of your faith.”
“The temptation for those who suffer is to assume that because we can’t think of any good purposes God may have for our suffering, there can’t be any.”
“There are the good things of this world, the hard things of this world, and the best things of this world—God’s love, glory, holiness, beauty. The Bible’s teaching is that the road to the best things is not through the good things but usually through the hard things. . . . There is no message more contrary to the way the world understands life or more subversive to its values.”
“The Christian sex ethic was understood by the apostles to be a nonnegotiable part of orthodoxy, one of the core beliefs of Christianity. What Christians taught and practiced about sexuality was as much a necessary implication of the gospel and the resurrection as were care for the poor and the equality of the races. This makes it impossible to argue, as many try to do, that what the Bible says about caring for the poor is right but what it says about sex is outmoded and should be discarded.”
“Sex apart from marriage becomes a product we consume if we find someone attractive enough in quality and low enough in price. If the quality goes down or the cost goes up, we can walk away, because there is no covenant. But if sex comes only with the radical self-giving and whole-life commitment of marriage, that takes sex off the market, as it were, and makes it priceless.”
“When Jesus Christ was in the garden of Gethsemane and the ultimate darkness was coming down on him and he knew it was coming, he didn’t abandon you; he died for you. If Jesus Christ didn’t abandon you in his darkness, the ultimate darkness, why would he abandon you now, in yours?”
“Only a grasp of what Jesus did on the cross—the doctrine of substitutionary atonement—can prevent spiritual distortions. . . . Only this doctrine keeps us from thinking God is mainly holy with some love or mainly loving with some holiness—but instead [he] is both holy and loving equally, interdependently. Only this view of God makes the spoiled or the neglected into the healthy and the loved.”
“The secular framework . . . has nothing to give the wounded conscience to heal it. It has nothing to say to the self who feels it is unworthy of love and forgiveness. Anyone who has seen the depths of their sin and what they are capable of will never be mollified by the bromide of ‘Be nice to yourself—you deserve it.’”
“True repentance begins where whitewashing (‘Nothing really happened’) and blame-shifting (‘It wasn’t really my fault’) and self-pity (‘I’m sorry because of what it has cost me’) and self-flagellation (‘I will feel so terrible no one will be able to criticize me’) end.”
“Forgiveness is granted (often a good while) before it is felt—not felt before it is granted. It is a promise to not exact the price of sin from the person who hurt you. . . . It is likely you have always thought, ‘Well, I have to feel it before I grant it. I have to start feeling less angry before I start to not hold them liable.’ If you wait to feel it before you grant it, you’ll never grant it; you’ll be in an anger prison.”
“It is hard to stay angry at someone if you are praying for them. It is also hard to stay angry unless you feel superior, and it is hard to feel superior if you are praying for them, since in prayer you approach God as a forgiven sinner.”
“Prayer is the only entryway into genuine self-knowledge. It is also the main way we experience deep change—the reordering of our loves. Prayer is how God gives us so many of the unimaginable things he has for us. Indeed, prayer makes it safe for God to give us many of the things we most desire. It is the way we know God, the way we finally treat God as God. Prayer is simply the key to everything we need to do and be in life.”
“God will either give us what we ask or give us what we would have asked if we knew everything he knows.”
“We know God will answer us when we call because one terrible day he did not answer Jesus when he called. . . . Jesus’ prayers were given the rejection that we sinners merit so that our prayers could have the reception that he merits.”
“Mercy isn’t just the job of the Christian. Mercy is the mark of the Christian.”
“A good sermon is not like a club that beats upon the will but like a sword that cuts to the heart.”
“Expository preaching should provide the main diet of preaching for a Christian community. . . . [It] is the best method for displaying and conveying your conviction that the whole Bible is true. This approach testifies that you believe every part of the Bible to be God’s Word, not just particular themes and not just the parts you feel comfortable agreeing with.”
“Preaching is not only explaining the text but also using it to engage the heart. I often see preachers giving so much time to the first task that they put little thought and ingenuity into the second.”
“Every time you expound a Bible text, you are not finished unless you demonstrate how it shows us that we cannot save ourselves and that only Jesus can.”
“Christian communicators must show that we remember (or at least understand) very well what it is like not to believe.”
“The humanistic moral values of secularism are not the deliverances of scientific reasoning, but have come down to us from older times . . . they have a theological history. And modern people hold them by faith alone.”
“Through faith in the cross we get a new foundation for an identity that both humbles us out of our egoism yet is so infallibly secure in love that we are enabled to embrace rather than exclude those who are different.”
“[These are] Christianity’s unsurpassed offers—a meaning that suffering cannot remove, a satisfaction not based on circumstances, a freedom that does not hurt but rather enhances love, an identity that does not crush you or exclude others, a moral compass that does not turn you into an oppressor, and a hope that can face anything, even death.”
“If the suffering Jesus endured did not make him give up on us, nothing will.”
“Jesus is one of the very few persons in history who founded a great world religion or who, like Plato or Aristotle, has set the course of human thought and life for centuries. Jesus is in that tiny, select group. On the other hand, there have been a number of persons over the years who have implicitly or explicitly claimed to be divine beings from other worlds. Many of them were demagogues; many more were leaders of small, self-contained sects of true believers. What is unique about Jesus is that he is the only member of the first set of persons who is also a member of the second.”
“Everything in the Hebrew worldview militated against the idea that a human being could be God. Jews would not even pronounce the name ‘Yahweh’ nor spell it. And yet Jesus Christ—by his life, by his claims, and by his resurrection—convinced his closest Jewish followers that he was not just a prophet telling them how to find God, but God himself come to find us.”
“When you come to Christ, you must drop your conditions. You have to give up the right to say, ‘I will obey you if . . . I will do this if . . .’ As soon as you say, ‘I will obey you if,’ that is not obedience at all. You are saying: ‘You are my adviser, not my Lord. I will be happy to take your recommendations. And I might even do some of them.’ No. If you want Jesus with you, you have to give up the right to self-determination. Self-denial is an act of rebellion against our late-modern culture of self-assertion. But that is what we are called to. Nothing less.”
“When you say, ‘Doctrine doesn’t matter; what matters is that you live a good life,’ that is a doctrine. It is called the doctrine of salvation by your works rather than by grace.”
“It’s in death that God says, ‘If I’m not your security, then you’ve got no security, because I’m the only thing that can’t be taken away from you. I will hold you in my everlasting arms. Every other set of arms will fail you, but I will never fail you.’ Smelling salts are very disagreeable, but they are also very effective. But as you’re waking from your illusions, be at peace, because here’s what Jesus Christ offers to us if by faith we have him as our Savior.”
“If you want to understand your own behavior, you must understand that all sin against God is grounded in a refusal to believe that God is more dedicated to our good, and more aware of what that is, than we are. We distrust God because we assume he is not truly for us, that if we give him complete control we will be miserable. Adam and Eve did not say, ‘Let’s be evil. Let’s ruin our own lives and everyone else’s too!’ Rather they thought, ‘We just want to be happy. But his commands don’t look like they’ll give us the things we need to thrive. We’ll have to take things into our own hands—we can’t trust him.’”
“The only storm that can really destroy—the storm of divine justice and judgment on sin and evil—will never come upon you. Jesus bowed his head into that ultimate storm, willingly, for you. He died, receiving the punishment for sin we deserve, so we can be pardoned when we trust in him. When you see him doing that for you, it certainly does not answer all the questions you have about your suffering. But it proves that, despite it all, he still loves you. Because he was thrown into that storm for you, you can be sure that there’s love at the heart of this storm for you.”
“If you were a hundred times worse than you are, your sins would be no match for his mercy.”